3 min read

You're Not Supposed To Know Where You're Going

You're Not Supposed To Know Where You're Going
Photo by Oziel Gómez: https://www.pexels.com/photo/orange-backpack-840719/

As humans, we tend to dislike the unknown. Not knowing where we’re going is an uncomfortable situation for us, this is because, at an instinctive level, the unknown can be detrimental to our survival.

But what if I were to tell you that the unknown is exactly where you want to be? If you want to improve as a person or improve in any sort of way, you’re going to have to put yourself in new situations. Because to become someone you’ve never been before, you first have to do things you’ve never done. 


Planning and preparing for a change can be extremely useful, it can prepare us to deal with some of the difficult terrains and unexpected weather changes along the path.

A little planning can serve us greatly, but it only serves its purpose once we’ve actually begun our journey. And the problem with planning is it can stop us from ever getting there, we can get stuck in the planning phase, trying to foresee all of the journey's possible problems.

Planning can be taken too far, we think with enough planning, we will be left with enough know-how and information to avoid any possible unexpected problems the journey may throw at us.

However, the reality is that we can only truly know what problems may arise once we have started moving. Some obstacles can never be prepared for.

We have all been there, letting the fear of starting convince us that we’re not ready to start, so we in turn convince ourselves we need to do more prep, but we are just procrastinating, wasting valuable time. The time spent ‘planning’ could be time spent experiencing.

So the next time you catch yourself here, remember the only way to truly start is to just do the thing.

Aim To Lose The Path

The start of your new venture will be exciting and fun, you’ll have a new sense of pride and joy now that you’re the type of person who follows their dreams and chases new beginnings.

This feeling, however, is followed by the reality of what it actually takes to get to your destination, all of that planning goes flying out of the window and you're left with no clear path ahead or map to help guide you.

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Experiencing this holt might leave you wondering whether or not you have made the right choice, it will leave you questioning whether you’ve overestimated your capabilities and thoughts of turning around will flood your mind like the plague.

This part, however, is exactly where you need to be, what you decide to do in this moment will decide your future.

Once you have lost the path, you’ll be faced with a choice between carrying on and jumping into the unknown or turning around and going home.

This will be the difference between growing or staying the same. The difference between reaching closer to your fullest potential or always falling short.

It is applicable to whatever it is you’re trying to achieve, whether it’s a new exercise routine, learning a language, starting a business, newly married or starting a new job.

Remember what I said earlier? To be someone you have never been, you need to do what you have never done.

Well, this is it, it is in these moments you need to realise that growing and levelling up is not an easy task, if it were everybody would be doing it. Remind yourself that the journey you have chosen is hard and this is what hard feels like.

Your expectations will match reality, alleviating the panic and fear, leaving you only with what is left, the challenge.

Just remember that reaching a point where you no longer see the right way forward is not a sign that you’ve chosen the wrong path, in fact, it’s the complete opposite.

It’s the only sign you’ll get that will suggest you’re headed in the right direction, the only question that should be asked is whether or not you want it bad enough to continue going.