
GrowthHub is an independent publication launched in January 2024 by James Davies. If you subscribe today, you'll avoid missing out on the best insights within self improvement as well as email newsletters with new content when it's available. Your subscription makes this site possible, and allows GrowthHub to continue to exist. Thank you!

Who am I?

I am someone who is completely obsessed with everything self improvement, it seems self evident as to why you should listen to people who are already at the top. However, the problem with this is they often give advice based on what they are currently doing, not what they did on the way up, but that is exactly what I offer, as that is exactly where I currently am. Get weekly blogs with what lessons I have recently learned that is helping me become the best version of myself, so you can too.

My Goals

My goal with the newsletter is to simply write and blog everything that interests me within self improvement, as that is what I am most passionate about. However, if at any point I manage to help someone in some way, then I will consider it a success. Eventually, I'd like to turn that passion into a career, working for myself doing things I enjoy. You can expect to see content on this too, so stay tuned.